NOXTIN grows out of the pressing need for attention to the disproportionate impact of the youth injustice system, and the criminal justice system as a whole, on Chicanx/Latinx/Indigenous youth, families, and communities. NOXTIN uplifts and highlights a healing centered, culturally-based and responsive system of community alternatives to incarceration grounded in a La Cultura Cura philosophy that recognizes the inherent strengths and capacity of the community, and system-involved youth and their families.

Past Clients

NOXTIN shares their appreciation for their partnerships with their clients If you have an interest in partnering with NOXTIN, please Contact Us.

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Transform policies, research, and practices

to simultaneously reduce the reliance on systems of supervision and secure confinement while increasing public safety and saving tax dollars.

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Increase the use of healing centered, community-based

alternatives to detention through civic engagement and mobilization.

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Elevate the standard for community engagement youth justice reform to end incarceration

by maximizing existing community assets to actively resolve inequities for Chicanx/Latinx and all youth of color.

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Healing Centered Approach/La Cultura Cura

NOXTIN recognizes that all those touched by the youth justice field, including youth justice professionals, youth, families, and communities, have an interest in healing. We work with communities to create sacred spaces for healing that ground us in our cultural strengths and resiliency to build connections across our experiences.

Leadership Development

We assert that youth justice transformation happens through engagement, investment, and leadership embedded in the community. We build the capacity of those most directly impacted by the youth justice system to bridge the gap between systems professionals and community members to cultivate authentic, collaborative community-based participation in policy, practice, and systems change to decrease to end youth incarceration.

Chicanx/Latinx/Indigenous Context

Given that the focus on the disproportionate incarceration of youth of color draws primarily on a black/white binary, we believe there is a critical need to prioritize the youth justice system's impact of Chicanx/Latinx/Indigenous youth, families, and communities. We draw upon the strengths of the Chicanx/Latinx/Indigenous communities to forge innovative approaches to transform the youth justice system and the disparities impacting Chicanx/Latinx/Indigenous youth.

Health Equity

We are driven by a vision of healthy communities through equitable access to resources and attention to the interconnectedness of systems. 

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